General Information

General Information

Finial LLC founded in 1998.

The mainbusiness is the realization of large-scale constructionprograms on a contract basis in the territory of the Republic of Kazahstan.Kompaniyahas the necessary manufacturing capacity and infrastructure in the fieldproduction work, including access roads and transmission devices.

As part of the executive office, and production departmentsconstruction, highly qualified specialists who haveyears of experience in organizing and managing large construction projects.

Maintain close production ties, continuity and mutually beneficial cooperation with organizations and artists, installation and special construction works on a contractual basis, allow our company to complete construction, regardless of the degree of complexity and amount of work, with the assistance of the necessary number of workers, construction equipment, machinery and equipment from any region of the country.

The experience gained in the construction of complex objects of any complexity, broad local and international relations creates the possibility of providing all kinds of services, and an extensive commercial activities allow us to be optimistic about the future.